
Frost Linux Repository

Repository for custom packages.

List of Packages

  1. Yay (Yet Another Yogurt) - AUR Helper
  2. TunSafe - WireGuard VPN client
  3. FreeTube - Privacy respecting YouTube
  4. AutoHosts - /etc/hosts based ad-blocking. Updates automatically
  5. Calamares - Installer for Frost Linux
  6. Calamares-Config-XFCE - Branding and configuration files for Calamares (XFCE DE)
  7. Filesystem - Frost Linux filesystem bare
  8. Frost Base - Base FS
  9. Frost Branding - Branding for system software and internet tools
  10. Frost GRUB Live - GRUB configuration
  11. Frost ISO Profiles - ISO profiles for different DEs
  12. Frost Keyring - PGP keys for Frost packages
  13. Frostools - Toolkit to build Frost Linux ISOs
  14. LSB Release - LSB Release files for Frost Linux
  15. Frost Live (Runit, S6 and OpenRC) - Live scripts for the init systems
  16. Pacman - Package Manager
  17. OpenRC - Init System for Frost Linux